Financial Aid available to those who qualify.
About Course
Graduates of this course will have acquired the knowledge and skills to pass the State Board examination and seek employment in a variety of beauty-oriented businesses as a barber. The Barber Crossover course is for already licensed Cosmetologists
Beginner or Freshman Level
Students spend a minimum of 32 hours learning the fundamentals of barbering and hair styling. Daily classes for theory and application. Students practice newly learned skills on mannequins and models and may be required to complete homework outside of school hours. Must pass with 90% in final practical and written tests before progressing to Senior level.
Advanced or Senior Level
Students spend a minimum of five hours per week in theory classes. Senior students are expected to be able to perform all applications with 90% comprehension and 70% on written and practical tests. Final exams must be completed with 90% comprehension. It is the students responsibility to complete state required theory hours during regular class time.
Barber Crossover Curricula
200 Minimum Hours
Shaving Preparation & Performance
Instructor Discretion

Course Details
- 200 Clock-hour Course
- Class Schedule
- Course Completion Timeline
- Financial Aid Available
Weeks 1 - 2: Sat: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Weeks 3 - 23: Minimum 8 hrs / Week
Weeks 1 - 2: 8 Hours / Week
Weeks 3 - 23: 8 Hours / Week
5.8 Months with No Absences
Title IV NOT Available
Total Cost: $2,725
Tuition - $2,000
Books/Kit* - $575
Registration Fee - $150
Student Tuition Recovery** - $0
Room/Board - Not Offered
*Applicable sales tax is charged and included in books and kit cost.
**As applicable, an additional fee (Student Tuition Recovery Fund) required by the state of California is charged to the student in the amount of $0 per $1000. This fee is collected by the school on behalf of the student and sent to the State.
Before You Enroll
2022 Naccas Success Rates
On-time Completion / Graduation Rate - 100%
Students that completed Barber Crossover program for the most recently completed award year.
Licensing Rate - 100%
Students that completed Barber Crossover program, passed State Board exam, and obtained license.
Job Placement Rate - 75%
Students that completed Barber Crossover program, passed State Board exam, obtained license, and secured employment in Barbering.
Entering the Workforce
The O*NET and CIP codes for the Barbering Crossover program will help prepare students to enter into the respective occupations:
O*NET Code 39-5011.00
General Barbering
CIP Code 12.0402
A recognized occupation is defined by an Occupational Information Network (O*NET-SOC code) established by the Department of Labor.